Saturday, January 14, 2006

Search, Search everywhere

At seems that since Google arrived everyone has wanted to do search. Before that it was just considered a utility - did you know that the Google founders tried to sell their product to Yahoo for $1 Million - and that Yahoo refused?

Recently I posted information about Jonga - a new South African Search Engine which is returning some great resutlts and has some fun features. Another local option which poped up is eSearch which is not a search engine which I am taking too - even though my total searches are about 2. This is probably because of the layout - everything seems too confusing for me ... Also my search term 'Sailing' only brought up the South African Sailing website 4th, while Jonga managed it at first.

But that is all local, but moving to international Jonga is still a competitor with an international search function which seems to work fairly well and I use it sometimes if Google isn't working for me. But then their is also Wink which introduces a new way of searching. The idea being that everyone contrabutes to the search results by tagging and rating websites. Then their is also Wink Answers which is similar to (never liked them ...) in that their is a page for each search term, but the difference being that it is a wiki.

I am still getting used to the Wink idea and features, but at the moment I feel that it is too complicated for the ordinary user. I think Jonga will go a long way, and in that space of time we will see more and more search engines poping up - the thing to wonder is if any of them will do a Google.


At 10:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe search has become more popular lately both due to Google's huge success, and the fact that SEO's are able to alter Google's algorithmic results. As founder of a social search engine, I focused on building a system that allows users to decide what is relevant, and what's not. You can vote up or down on a search result allowing the results to naturally take place through human intervention.


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